Events |
For more information please email borgwardclub@btinternet.com
A.G.M. 2008 |
Enfield Pageant of Motoring
Date |
Details |
*April 5th | Goodwood Breakfast Club http://www.goodwood.co.uk/ Theme-Family Favorites from Fords to Flaminias. Entry free for more info contact - Walter Heale walterheale@hotmail.com |
*April 19th | Paul and Maria King have again kindly offered to host the AGM in their London home. 138 Belgrave Road Wanstead London E11 3QR. Maria is providing a light lunch from 12 noon The meeting commences at 2 p.m. We look forward to meeting as many members as possible. Map |
May 22/24th | The Swedish Borgward Club celebrates its 30th anniversary on 22 th to 24 th May 2009 at Sätra Bruks manor located between Karlsborg and Töreboda, look at Herregården website www.satrabruk.se For more information www.borgward.nu/ (information from Lars Källbom) |
*May 23/24/25th | 31th
Enfield Pageant of Motoring , The Playing Fields, Gt. Cambridge
Road, Enfield. information web site : http://www.whitewebbsmuseum.co.uk/
Peter Grove is organizing this event and can be contacted on 01708
725377 or email at peter.grove@hotmail.co.uk |
*May 31st | 8th Woking Hospice Classic Car Show. at Prins Willem School Woking Surrey http://www.wokinghospice.co.uk Map |
*August 16th |
Cranleigh Lions Classic Car Show & Autojumble , Cranleigh, Surrey. http://www.cranleighlions.org/classic-car-show.php |
*August 30th | Goodwood Breakfast Club http://www.goodwood.co.uk/ Theme-The Quintessential Classic car Entry free for more info contact - Walter Heale walterheale@hotmail.com |
August 30th | Wings+Wheels, Dunsfold Aerodrome,Surrey/Sussex border. |
*Sept 4/6th | 35th International meeting in Münster, north of Essen . We hope to sail on Thursday 3rd and arrive back in the U.K. on Monday 7th September. More information when available. jbwallis@btinternet.com telephone no. 01932 352238 |
*Nov 13/15th | NEC Classic Car Show http://www.necclassicmotorshow.com We have a stand this year and the club is looking for cars to exhibit. If you would like your car in this prestigious indoor show please talk to Norman Williams. Phone 0121 429 7169 borgwardclub@btinternet.com |
*Sept 2010 |
36th International meeting in Cuxhaven north of Bremen Germany more information soon. |
Heale's local car club M.P.H.(Midhurst,Petworth,Haslemere) meeting.
First Thursday of the month from 9 at The Noahs Ark Lurgashall. I normally
attend and there's always a good array of cars and beers! More info contact - Walter Heale walterheale@hotmail.com |
*2nd Tuesday of each month Classic Car Meeting at the Clubhouse Brooklands Museum Weybridge Surrey From 7.00 to 11.00 PM. Nick Driscoll and John Wallis usually attend. Please phone 01932 352238 for more information. |
*Club representation at these events Event dates provided by John Wallis, telephone no. 01932 352238 jbwallis@btinternet.com |